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Sunday, 24 July 2011

Cassie Jack - *Contains Nudity*

Last Saturday I did a shoot with Cassie Jack a model from Portsmouth.

With a bit of help from Adrian Harlen at VertuImages I had the perfect location for the shoot.

The location was right up my street and suits my style of photography well. We had arranged to shoot some clothed, lingerie and nudes on the day, and the setting I had was ideal.

For the shoot I used a 50mm F1.8 prime lens and a 14mm F2.8 lens fitted to my Nikon D3 cameras. Lighting was simple, 2 x SB900 flashes both on lastolite softboxes. On many occasions I was only using one light for the subject. All images were shot on manual exposure for both cameras and flash.

After a bit of editing, I am quite happy with the results.
